Fay Lee began practicing Ashtanga Yoga at the age of eighteen, as a university student in order to manage stress. What began as a method of stress management soon became a new life path. Fay Lee learned so much about herself and how to become a better and more stable person through this practice. It gave her the bravery to leave everything behind and begin a new life in Bangkok, Thailand. Since moving to Thailand, Fay Lee has made annual trips to Mysore, India to study with her Guru R. Sharath Jois. In the beginning of February 2024 Fay Lee was given the blessing to teach the Ashtanga Yoga method and became an Authorized Level 2 teacher. In this blog Fay Lee reflects on the many challenges that may show up in life and how yoga can help us through the highs and lows.

Fay Lee’s goal is to make yoga an inclusive space where anyone from any background can come for healing and self discovery. In this blog, she will be incredibly transparent on her own journey throughout the practice and life.